Сapriz Hillary of Cat's Style

Born: 04.06.2004
Color: Chocolate spotted tabby
Breed: SFS b 24
Sex: Female
Breeder: Rozova Irina
Owner: Kuraeva Marina




Euro.Ch Givanshy



                SFS as 24

Int.Ch. Фристайл



                       BRI a

Int.Ch. Efim Silver Bluez

                          SFS a 22

Ch. Martin Bubastis
                                   BRI c

Ch. Roberta Silver Blues
                                   SFS as 22

Larochka Capriz

                          BRI n 24

Euro.Ch. Fideel van de Nekker
                                   BRI c

Int.Ch. Bombina Capriz
                                   SFS n 24



                       SFS fs 23

Eur.Ch. Leon

                          SFS n 24

Eur.Ch. Fideel van de Nekker
                                   BRI c

Int.Ch. Bombina Capriz
                                   SFS n 24

Euro.Ch. Kassiopeya Capriz

                          BRI fs

Gr.In.Ch. Marxalot Muffin Man-of-Golden Ctate                SFS ds 11

Int.Ch. Glerris Caterina Capriz
                                   BRI ns 24



Moon Cat Shirly-Myrly of Capriz



                Bri b

Ch. Faraon Fox Shrusbery

Severnaya Korona


                       Bri b

Mkoowi van Locust

                          BRI b

Gr.Int.Ch Wotan v.Urbanhafen                  Bri n

Int.Ch. Chocolette van Locust Valley
                                   BRI b

Int.Ch. Lacy of the Velvet Gloves

                          Bri a

Gr.Int.Ch. Mayflake Morris Daancer
                                   Bri a

Ch Grace of the Velvet Gloves
                                   BRI a

Ch. Businka Moon Cat



                       SFS a

Int.Ch. Chupa-Chups Moon Cat

                         SFS c

Gr.Int.Ch. Тори Шарп Клоид
                                   SFS c

Gloria van Dendelion
                                   BRI c

Int.Ch. Sinelia Moon Cat

                         Bri a

CH. Faraon Fox Shrusberi Severnaya Korona
                                   Bri b

Lisa Moon Cat
                                   BRI a



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